



Alessandra Doratti





Classic High School diploma at “Liceo Classico Statale Dante Alighieri” of Trieste in 1985 with final graduation marks of 52/60. Although in 1986 I achieved the admission award to the Opificio delle Pietre Dure in Florence, the Art Restoration Department remained closed because of an internal teacher’s dispute, so instead I was chosen for the painting restoration course with the same professors at the Istituto per l’Arte e il Restauro of Palazzo Niccolini, better known as Palazzo Spinelli. In June 1988 I obtained the diploma with maximum graduation marks of 90/90.



During the art restoration course and for a further two years I then worked in the Studio Errebì Arte in via della Fortezza 6 in Florence, directed by Prof. Massimo Seroni, ex-director of Gabinetto Restauri of the
Uffizi’s Gallery. I wrote my graduation thesis with him about the painter Vito Timmel, Illustrating his works in Florence. During those years amongst the most important works I restored were the two paintings on wood by Palma The Older, the portrait of “Giuditta” and “La Fuga in Egitto”, the “Polittico” of the Church of Santa Croce by Lorenzo di Niccolò, as well as the “Battle” by Brescianino (Francesco Monti) of the Galleria Palatina and the “Pala d’Altare” del Maestro di Ser Umido. In 1990 I returned to Trieste where I was employed to write about art and antiques in the local newspaper “Trieste Oggi” where I was awarded a Correspondent’s Licence. I have restored paintings on both wood and canvas belonging to the collection of the RAS Insurance Co. Within seven years I restored the entire Pinacoteca of Lloyd Adriatico Insurance Co. (now the Allianz Group) collection, containing paintings from 1300 to 1900. Some of these painters were as important as Mariotto Albertinellis, Tommaso Salini and Palma the Younger. After this I then went on to restore the paintings of Banca CRT, (now Unicredit Group). For the Provincia of Trieste, Palazzo Galatti, I restored a 12.5 mtq canvas representing “Il Patto del Risano” by Bruno Croatto and some other paintings by Edgardo Sambo, amongst them the portrait of Anna Sambo, which is very well known in the art gallery world. In particular the restoration I did of “Il Patto del Risano” was highlighted in the RAI TV news. Since 1990 I have been carrying out import restoration works in my own studio and I have had continuous work within the public and private sector. All my works have been documented by photographies, before, during and after restoration. Some of the photographies is mine while public works have been documented at the Sopraintendenza dei Beni Artistici e Culturali of Trieste and Florence. The paintings restored for Allianz Group are all illustrated and published by the Comune di Venezia Ca’ Pesaro Galleria D’Arte Moderna in the volume “Pinacoteca del Lloyd Adriatico - Dipinti dal ‘300 al ‘900”, and “Il Patto del Risano” which is published in the Monografia di Bruno Croatto by Edizioni Fondazione CRT Cassa di Risparmio Collana d’Arte. Good knowledge of English and Spanish.

I enclose in my Curriculum Vitae a copy of my Diploma, the Attestation, and the letter of reference awarded to me by Prof. Massimo Seroni.


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