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 Anna Caterina Alimenti Rietti


Taken from the Maestro’s notes



Taccuino del 1940. Roma, Archivio Rietti.


Taccuino del 1940. Roma, Archivio Rietti.



Rome 22 August 1981





Penetrating the soul of a man unknown to me and understanding his most

intimate secrets.

How effective!!

Everyone knows the famous artist, but how many know the man?

Who really knows who we are, who doesn't stop just at appearances?

A man, sullen and gruff, who knew what he wanted; that's what they say

about him.

Instead...... instead how much pain lies behind that fa
 How humanly human was he who recorded, among his most profound

considerations, the simplest thoughts relative to everyday life;

They say that great artists are deeply sensitiveness and this makes them different

from others, thus they can get closer to the secret of life.

Today I, too, know that this is true.